Firestorm has also developed a stand-alone CRISIS COACH® Insurance policy. This policy provides insureds with immediate 24/7 access to professional crisis managers – people who have managed significant issues, in real time. CRISIS COACH INSURANCE is designed to provide stabilization of critical events, critical decision support, crisis strategy design, crisis communications, predictive intelligence services, and crisis support services, coordinated to assist the insured in achieving the best crisis outcome.
The policy is designed to cover one specific peril, ‘business as unusual.’ The insured defines the crisis circumstance. During a crisis event, the world changes from business as usual to business unusual. Most entities do not know what to do, they do not know what to say, they do not know who to reach out for when the crisis strikes. The policy includes coverage for Critical Decision Support from Firestorm. This is intentional, as each insured will need different services. Insureds do not want to pay for additional services they feel that they will never need. We could consider having add-on riders for specific services like counseling, funerals, investigation, legal, etc. on a policy-by-policy basis.
If you are an agent/broker, insurer, reinsurer or other risk-bearing entity and are interested in adding CRISIS COACH to your coverage offering, contact us at 800-321-2219.