INFOGRAPHIC: Can Your Organization Connect the Dots Before it’s too Late?
Predictive Open-Source Intelligence
How many times – after a deadly weapon violence event – have we read news that describes missed behavioral signals, the ‘cry for help‘ expressed beforehand by a perpetrator? While there is no definitive behavioral truth, many perpetrators of workplace and school violence exhibit common warning signals and behaviors of concern long before they act violently.
In this infographic, we discuss predictive intelligence, the Firestorm way. Actions – whether in the form of words, physical behaviors or online postings – cannot be overlooked.
- Does your organization have a clear reporting structure for observed behaviors of concern?
- Does your organization have a way to collectively organize warning signs into one central location?
- are employees and/or students given the ability to anonymously report incidents occurring in your organization?
At Firestorm, our team strives to identify threatening messages before they become actions. Simply having a ‘tool’ is not enough. Expertise and experience in designing the search focus of the tool(s) are needed to capture the nuance of social intelligence gathering. Firestorm has this experience and have created strong alliances with providers of social intelligence gathering.
Join us in April for our webinar series discussing the topic of identifying behaviors of concern before a crisis strikes. The no-fee session that is 45-minutes in length will be held seven separate times to fit with your schedule. View our calendar of the webinar dates and times.